Listen to the teachings and meditations Podcasts

Now you can listen to the teachings and meditations on most of the popular podcast Platforms or use the links below.

Pathways To Surrender Pathways To Surrender Podcast

These guided meditations cover a wide range of spiritual topics and human issues, but always gently guide and remind the listener to let go of that which is not true and surrender to the higher truth within them. These guided meditations, led by Michael Warmuth, originate from a higher source, a place of deep connectedness and a more unified state of mind. They speak both to the conscious mind and to that deeper awareness within each one of us.

Here is the latest Pathways To Surrender podcast:

You Are Perfect


Pathways To Wholeness Pathways To Wholeness Podcast

These meditative teachings cover a wide range of spiritual topics and human issues, but always gently guide and remind the listener to let go of that which is not true and surrender to the higher truth within them. These meditative teachings by Michael Warmuth originate from a higher source, a place of deep connectedness and a more unified state of mind. They speak both to the conscious mind and to that deeper awareness within each one of us.

Here is the latest Pathways To Healing podcast:

Serve The Truth
